This event has been completed

Coinciding with World Mental Health Day on the 10th October, Top Blokes is raising funds to support our mentoring programs to support young male health with our Marathon Madness Virtual Challenge. We are hoping to raise $10,000 this October!!!

Go as far as you can! Challenge yourself to a Half Marathon (21KM), Full Marathon (42KM) or if you’re super keen, sign up to the 50KM+ Ultramarathon challenge. Choose whichever distance best suits you and run or walk anytime, anywhere, between 1st October – 31st October 2020.

There are some awesome rewards waiting for you! Achieve any of the following during the challenge and you will get:

- Just by Signing Up to our Marathon Madness Challenge, you’ll receive our free Fundraising Pack, which includes; a link to our Marathon Madness Spotify playlist, some info to help you fundraise
- Raise $100 and you will receive Top Blokes Foundation’s very own Moral Combat: The Card Game or our MANfulness Colouring Mindfulness Activity.
- Raise $500 and get our Marathon Madness Virtual Challenge hat to use during your challenge plus a very special Thank You certificate from us
- $Raise $1,000 and for your amazing fundraising efforts you will get a Top Blokes Foundation drink bottle, Marathon Madness Virtual Challenge hat AND a special acknowledgement on our social media pages!

Just follow these few simple steps to get started:

1. Head to to sign up
2. Set up your fundraising profile
3. Share your profile with family and friends and start fundraising!

We don’t expect everyone to do this challenge on their own! Get a team together to achieve your goal. Follow the same sign up process and click the ‘Create a Team’ link on your dashboard. The more people that get involved, the more young males we can support!

The first 5 sign ups we get from our amazing corporate supporters, will receive a Top Blokes Marathon Madness Cap to use during your challenge!

Help us achieve our $10,000 goal by signing up today! Invite your friends, family and networks to participate too, or simply ask them to donate to your own challenge.

You are making a difference to young male health, one km at a time!

Old event web site:

Note: Link may not be operational, this has been left here for historic purposes


Note: location may be approximate

Introducing our Run Pace Calculator

Side view of a young woman jogging in a city park.

Do you have a target time for your 10k, half marathon or marathon and need to know what your splits should be? Well you are in luck! Today we are releasing our super-easy to use Pace Calculator. Simply choose your distance, time, and it will calculate your pace and splits.

Check it out here.

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