8 weeks and 1 day

Running Events > Queensland > Warwick Pentath Run

The Warwick Pentathrun is a full weekend event held at the end of May each year. It comprises of 5 races each of which is a different “type” of race that together mean a competitor has completed a Marathon Distance over the weekend in five different events.

We start with a 1/2 marathon Saturday morning followed by a breakfast and a bus back to the start (YES it is one of the rare race events where you get to run somewhere and not just in a circuit), then after a short rest we have a 4.6km cross country.

The Saturday concludes with a 5km flat road race and followed by presentations at a dinner that night.

Sunday sees an early start for a 10km hill climb finishing again with a free breakfast and the weekend concludes with a 1500 meter “sprint” race in the main street of Warwick.

Event Web site: http://www.pentathrun.com/Web site

Note: location may be approximate

Introducing our Run Pace Calculator

Side view of a young woman jogging in a city park.

Do you have a target time for your 10k, half marathon or marathon and need to know what your splits should be? Well you are in luck! Today we are releasing our super-easy to use Pace Calculator. Simply choose your distance, time, and it will calculate your pace and splits.

Check it out here.

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The post Introducing our Run Pace Calculator first appeared on Run Calendar Australia.