This event has been completed

Running Events > Victoria > Melbourne > Helping Feet 2018

Race, run, jog, or walk in the beautiful Dandenong Ranges National Park along one of three designated event tracks. Event volunteers and hydration stations will be accessible at multiple points along each of the tracks. Our wonderful event volunteers will be ready to help you whenever you need them.

You have four options for this event that you can choose from:

- Yellow Track (8 km) including burger starts at 9:00 AM

- Blue track (16 km) including burger starts at 8:00 AM

- Pink Track (24 km) including burger starts at 7:30 AM

- Lunch Only 13:00

Participants to arrive at least 30 minutes prior to their race start time

To find out more details about tracks, start times and difficulty levels please refer to the information pack (

This is a community fundraising event, suitable for all ages and all levels of fitness. All proceeds will go towards supporting disadvantaged children's education

Old event web site:

Note: Link may not be operational, this has been left here for historic purposes


Note: location may be approximate

Introducing our Run Pace Calculator

Side view of a young woman jogging in a city park.

Do you have a target time for your 10k, half marathon or marathon and need to know what your splits should be? Well you are in luck! Today we are releasing our super-easy to use Pace Calculator. Simply choose your distance, time, and it will calculate your pace and splits.

Check it out here.

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The post Introducing our Run Pace Calculator first appeared on Run Calendar Australia.