41 weeks and 1 day

Running Events > Victoria > Melbourne > Run For The Young Marathon

Located in the picturesque Yarra Valley, this event is run by Bridge Builders Youth Organisation. All proceeds from the event will be donated to Bridge Builders to assist them in continuing the valuable work the Charity already does in our local community.

Runners can choose to participate (walk or run) in a 5km, 10km, 21km Half Marathon or 42km Marathon. Location: Lilydale Lake – Swansea Rd, Lilydale. The 10km, 21km and 42km start at 7am and the 5km starts at 8am. The Marathon course will be open for approximately 6 hours, concluding at 1pm.

Event Web site: http://www.runfortheyoung.com.auWeb site

Note: location may be approximate

Introducing our Run Pace Calculator

Side view of a young woman jogging in a city park.

Do you have a target time for your 10k, half marathon or marathon and need to know what your splits should be? Well you are in luck! Today we are releasing our super-easy to use Pace Calculator. Simply choose your distance, time, and it will calculate your pace and splits.

Check it out here.

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The post Introducing our Run Pace Calculator first appeared on Run Calendar Australia.