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Running Events > Western Australia > Albany Trail Run

Located 20 minutes from Albany town centre, the Albany Trail Run takes in the spectacular granite and white sand coastline along King George Sound with a mix of firm white beach sand running at low tide, single track over granite headlands and 4WD trails through coastal wildflowers. Whilst there are not any significant hills, the long course in particular is physically challenging with the undulating terrain and variety of surfaces. Both the medium and long courses will give runners the opportunity to cut across the wet but firm low tide sand flats in Princess Royal Harbour, and all courses finish with an exhilarating descent from the high point of the course with just 3km to go and the finish at Discovery Bay in full view.

Old event web site:

Note: Link may not be operational, this has been left here for historic purposes


Note: location may be approximate

Introducing our Run Pace Calculator

Side view of a young woman jogging in a city park.

Do you have a target time for your 10k, half marathon or marathon and need to know what your splits should be? Well you are in luck! Today we are releasing our super-easy to use Pace Calculator. Simply choose your distance, time, and it will calculate your pace and splits.

Check it out here.

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The post Introducing our Run Pace Calculator first appeared on Run Calendar Australia.