32 weeks and 4 days
Triathlons >
Western Australia > Blackwood Marathon RelayThe Blackwood Marathon is a relay race held annually on the last Saturday of October. It was originally a vision that some members of the Bridgetown Rotary Club had in 1979 as a way for the town to celebrate Western Australia’s 150th Anniversary. From humble beginnings, of just 54 teams (220 competitors), it has grown from strength to strength and now boasts over 750 competitors, including many iron-men and iron-women. The Blackwood Marathon is a unique event and has attracted many top athletes.
The competitors enter this event in teams comprising of 5 members, or ironmen and ironwomen. A runner, a canoeist, a swimmer, an equestrian and a cyclist. The race begins in the town of Boyup Brook and finishes in Bridgetown after journeying around 60kms through some of Western Australia’s most picturesque countryside in the Blackwood River Valley.
Event Web site: Web site
Note: location may be approximate
Disclaimer and Terms of Use: This web site is not associated with the event listed above. For further information and to confirm details such as date, time, location and distances we suggest confirming these on the event's web site. If you have any queries, please contact the organisers responsible for running the event via their web site.
Introducing our Run Pace Calculator

Do you have a target time for your 10k, half marathon or marathon and need to know what your splits should be? Well you are in luck! Today we are releasing our super-easy to use Pace Calculator. Simply choose your distance, time, and it will calculate your pace and splits.
Check it out here.
The post Introducing our Run Pace Calculator first appeared on Run Calendar Australia.