Training for a run isn’t just a matter of putting on your shoes and heading out the door. This post lists some different training sessions you may want to incorporate into your training which will help you achieve your goal.
Long Run
- For training for longer distances (eg marathons, half-marathons)
- Goal is to improve endurance and provide confidence that you can run longer distances
- The aim is to leave you moderately to significantly fatigued
- Important: To avoid injury, try not to increase your distance by more than 10% each week. Slowly build up to the longer distances
Interval training
- Goal is to improve your ‘cruising’ speed and fatigue resistance
- Involves multiple bursts of high intensity running followed by recovery times in between
- Should be performed at or near maximum effort
- Can be quite painful!
- A regular run interspersed with interval sessions
- As an example, see Mona Fartlek
Tempo Run
- A sustained run at a fast pace over a prolonged period (eg 1 hour)
- Goal is to improve cruising speed
Hill Runs
- Used to build strength, particularly in the quads
- Less impact to your legs than running fast on flat surfaces
- Repeat runs up a hill – ideally 3-5% and around 400m
Recovery Run
- Easy pace
- Adds milage to your training
- Helps with recovery from harder runs